Abbey House
Abbey Road Housing Co-op
Adelaide House
Africa House
Adelaide Wharf
20 Air Street
Alaska Factory
45 - 46 Albemarle Street
200 Aldergate
5 Aldermanbury Square
Aldgate House
5 Aldgate Tower
Alexander & Ainsworth Estate
All Soul's School, Fitzrovia
Al Shishawi
American School in London 1971
American School in London 2016
Angel Building
Angel House
Annunciation Marble Arch
Apollo Victoria Theatre
Ark, Hammersmith
Artillery House
Arts2 Building Queen Mary University
Arundel Great Court, London
Ashburton Triangle, Islington
Ashcroft Estate
Ashdown House
Atkinson’s Scent Shop
Atlantic House
Audley House

Back Hill Sub-Station

Bacon Factory, Southwark

99 Baker Street

Bankside Lofts

20 Bank Street

40 Bank Street

50 Bank Street

Balfron Tower

Barbican Estate


Baron's Place

Bartlett House
65 Basinghall Street

Bastion House

Battersea Power Station

Battleship Building

Bavaria House

BBC TV Centre

Beaumont Hotel

Belgravia Police Station

Belmont House

Bentham House
Bermondsey Health Centre
Bermondsey Underground Station
Bethnal Green Estate

Berkeley Court

Bessborough Centre


22 Bishopsgate

250 Bishopsgate

Bishops Square, Spitalfield

240 Blackfriars Road

201 Bishopsgate & the Broadgate Tower

Bishopsgate Police Station

One Blackfriars

Blackfriars Settlement

Blackfriars Station

Blenstock House

Bloomberg HQ

Bloomsbury Hotel

Blue Fin Building

BNP Paribas Office

Bomber Command Memorial

Bosideng Store, Mayfair

Bow Road Church, Tower Hamlets

Bow Police Stables

Bow Police Station

Brent Civic Centre

Brettenham House

Brewer St. Car Park

Bridge Academy

Bridge of Aspiration

Bridge Master's House

British Library

Broadcasting House

5 Broadgate

Broadwalk Court

55 Broadway
Brunel Building

Brunswick Centre

Brunswick Close Estate

BT Tower

Burberry HQ

Burcham Street, Poplar

Burne House

Burtons Greenwich

Bush House

Cadogan Hall

Cambian Churchill

Camden Palace Theatre

Camden Town Hall Extension

Canada Estate Rotherhithe Flats

20 Canada Square

25 Canada Square

Canada Water Interchange

Canada Water Library

Canaletto Tower

Canary Wharf Crossrail Station

Canary Wharf DLR Station

Canary Wharf Footbridge

Canary Wharf Tube Station

Cannon Place

30 Cannon Street

80 Cannon Street

Capital Tower & Union Jack Club

Cardinal Place

Carmelite House

Carmine - 5 Merchant Square

Carradale House

33 Cavendish Square
Central Building, LSE

Central Saint Giles

Central Saint Martins

Centre Heights

Centre Point

Century House, Bermondsey

Chadwick House, Southwark

Channel 4 Headquarters

Chapter Spitalfield

Charles Rowan House

Charing Cross Station

Chartered Insurance Institute

5 Cheapside

150 Cheapside

Chelsea Bridge Wharf

Chester House

Chiltern Place, London

Christ Church Southwalk

Christ Church & Upton Chapel

Christchurch Court, London

Churchill Gardens Estate

Cinnabar Wharf Wapping

The Circle

Citizen M Hotele

City Hall

City Point

City University

City University Northampton Square

Claredale Street

Clerkenwell Close Apartments

Clerkenwell Court House (former)

Clerkenwell Fire Station

Clove Building

Coal Drops Yard

2 - 4 Cockspur Street

17-19 Cockspur Street
Cockspur Street - P&O Building
1 Coleman Street

College of Physicians

1 Commercial Street

Commonwealth House

Congress House

Conran Shop Shad Thames

Copper Box Olympic Park

24 Cornhill
28 - 30  Cornhill
32 Cornhill
52 - 53 Cornhill
Cotton Garden Estate

Cranbrook Estate

Crisp Street Market

30 Crown Place

1 Croydon, Croydon

The Crystal

Cumberland Hotel, London

Cundy Street Flats

Curzon Mayfair Cinema

Cutty Sark Centre

Cyrus House

Czech Embassy

Daily Express Building

Daily Telegraph Building

Danish Embassy

Darwin Centre

Davies Alpine House

21 Davies Street

33 Davies Street

Davina House

Debenhams Oxford Street
Debenham’s Car Park
Derry & Toms

Derwent Point, Islington

Design Museum (Former)
Design Museum (New 2016)
Dolben Street Apartments

Dolphin Square

Dominion Theatre

Dorset House

Downing House

Duchess House

Duchess Theatre

Dudley Court

Duke’s House

Dunhills Jermyn Street

Earlstoke Estate

10-30 Eastbourne Terrace

40 Eastbourne Terrace

Eastern Quay

East London Mosque

Eastman Dental Clinic

Eland House

Elephant & Rhino House

Eleventh Church of Christ Scientist

Elsley House

Embassy Court

Emirates Air Line

Emirates Stadium
Essex Unitarian Church
Eurostar Terminal Waterloo
Euston House
Euston Station
Euston Tower

Evelina Children's Hospital

Eventim Apollo

ExCel Exhibition Centre

Exchange House

Exhibition Road Quarter, V&A

Faculty Building Imperial College
Fairfoot Library
Family History Centre

Faraday House

20 Fenchurch Street

58 Fenchurch Street

One Fen Court
12 New Fetter Lane
Finsbury Business Centre

Finsbury Estate

Finsbury Health Centre

Finsbury Library

1 Finsbury Circus

3 - 10 Finsbury Square

50 Finsbury Square

Fitzrovia Apartments

13 Fitzroy Street

10 Fleet Place

Fleet Place House

56 Fleet Street

85 Fleet Street  - Reuters

Florin Court

G E Fogg Building


Francis Crick Institute

Frank Gehry Pavillion

Franklin Wilkins Building

French Railway House
Friends Meeting House

Gagosian Gallery

Gainsborough House

Gas Holders

Gaumont State, Kilburn

Gazzano Deli & Apartments

Geffrye Museum

Genesis Cinema, Whitechapel

Gibbs Building

The Glass Building

Glen House

Glenkerry House

Global Switch East India Dock

Globe Centre, Stepney

Goldington Building, Camden

Goldington Street Estate, Camden

Goodenough College

Gorilla House

Graduate Centre Metropolitan U

Grand Union Walk

Grange Holborn Hotel

Graybrook House

236 Gray's Inn Road

Great Courtyard British Museum

Great Hall, Tower Hamlets

Greater London House

Great Portland Street Tube Station

Green Bridge, Mile End Road

Greenwich Town Hall

10 Gresham Street

25 Gresham Street

Griffith House

Grosvenor Estate

Guildhall West Wing

Guinness Trust Buildings

Guy's Boiler House

Guy's Cancer Centre

Guy’s Hospital

Haggerston Baths, Hackney

Haggerston School, Hackney

Hallfield Estate, London

Hammersmith Grove

Hammersmith Town Hall

Hampstead Theatre

5 Hanover Square

Hampton Gurney School

Harold Laski House

Haymarket House

Haywared Gallery


Heathrow Terminal 5


Hend House

Hepburn House

Heron Tower

Hide Tower

Hill House

Hillfield Court

Hilton Metropole Hotel

Holborn Gate

Holborn Library

Holborn Place

Holborn Police Station

40 Holborn Viaduct
Holford Garden Estate
Holland Green
Home Office, London

House of Fraser, Oxford St.
HSBC Bank Holborn, London
Hugh Cubitt Centre
Hult Business College
1 Hyde Park
Hyde Park Barracks

Hyde Park Hilton

Ibex House
IBM Building, Southbank
Ideal House

Ideal Store, Poplar

Ideal Store, Whitechapel

Imax London

Imperial Airways Terminal

Imperial College

Imperial Hotel

Former Ingersoll Warehouse

Inn the Park

Institute of Education

Ismaili Centre

Isokon - Lawn Road Flats

ITN Building

ITV HQ, Upper Ground

Jubilee Footbridge

John Astor House

John Lewis Oxford St.

Jubiloo South Bank

J P Morgan, Embankment

Keeling House, Bethnal Green

24-40 Kensington High Street

One Kensington Gardens

Kent House Great Titchfield St.

Kent House Tower, Upper Ground

Kestral House, Islington

84-88 King Street, Hammersmith

1 Kingdom Street

2 Kingdom Street

King’s Cross Concourse

King’s Cross Tunnel

King Edward Building

King Edward 7 Galleries

King’s Mews Apartments

King’s Place

King’s Reach Tower

Kodak House


The Laboratory

Lambeth Bridge

Land Registry Office

Lambeth Towers

Langdon Park Station

Langham Court Hotel

Lavington Mansions

Lawrence Hall

69 Leadenhall Street

Lett Road Apartments

Lexicon Tower

Leysian Mission

Lillington & Longmoore Estate

Limehouse Basin

Lloyd's Bank HQ (Former)
Lloyd’s Register
Lloyds Building

Lloyds 1928 Building

London 2012 Olympic Stadium

London 2012 Olympics Water Polo

London Aquatic Centre

1 London Bridge

One London Wall

London Wall Place

85 London Wall

London Eye

London Fire Station

Lord's Media Centre

LSE Library

Ludgate House

Maple House

Mappin Pavilion

Marble Arch Tower

33 Margaret Street

Maritime Organization Building

70 Mark Lane

30 Market Place

Marks & Spencer

Marlborough Primary School

Marriott Hotel

Marsham Court

Marylebone Town Hall (Former)

McCann Erickson

ME Hotel
Meat Inspector's Office
Melia Whitehouse Hotel
Melton Court

Mercers Walk, Covent Garden

Metro Central Heights

Metropolitan Water Board Office

Mews House, Doughty Mews


Michelin House

Mid-City Place

Middlesex Street Estate

Midland Bank HQ, Pouktry

401 Mile End Road

Millbank Estate

Millbank Tower

Millennium Bridge

Millennium Mill

Minerva House

Minster Court

The Mission

Mitre Road

MOD Building

Montagu Pyke


Moonraker Point, Southwark

Moor House

Moreland Primary School

More London

19-21 Mortimer Street

Mound Stand, Lords

Mount Pleasant Sorting Office

Mulberry Court

Museum of London

The Music Box

Mytre House

National Army Museum

Natural History Museum - East Wing
National Club, Kilburn, London

National Police Memorial

National Theatre

National Theatre Studios

Natwest Bank Prince's Street

NCR Building

Neo Bankside

50 New Bond Street

New Court

95 New Cavendish Street

101 New Cavendish Street

New Hunt's House
New London House
1 & 2 New Ludgate
Newport Street Gallery
New Street Square

12 New Fetter Lane

New Zealand House

4 Northampton

38 Northampton Street

Norway House
Nova, Victoria

Novotel Paddington

O2 Arena

Oakshott Court Estate

Odeon Covent Garden

Odeon Leicester Square

Odeon Swiss Cottage

Odhams Walk Estate

Old Bailey

Old Bailey Extension

125 Old Broad Street

Olympic Basketball Arena

Olympic Velodrome

One Canada Square

One Mabledon Place

One New Change

One Pear Place, Waterloo

One Tower Bridge

Ontario Tower

Our Lady Immaculate, Poplar

Our Lady of the Rosary
Our Lady of Victories
368 Oxford Street

150 - 154 Oxford Street

164-188 Oxford Street

193 Oxford Street

219 Oxford Street

Oxo Tower

Paddington Central

Paddington Green Police Station


120 Pall Mall - Banco Sabadell
One Pancras Square
Two Pancras Square
Four Pancras Square
Five Pancras Square
Pan Peninsula


Paramount Court

Park House

45 Park Lane

Park Plaza County Hall

Park Plaza Westminster Bridge

Parliament View

Passmore Library Limehouse

10 Paternoster Square

Paul O'Gorman Building

Pearl Assurance Building

Peckham Library

Pelham Mission, Lambeth
Penguin Pool
Ten Four Pentonville Road

People's Palace, Tower Hamlets

Percival Street Estate

Perival Tube Station

Peter Jones Store

102 Petty France

Pewterers Hall

Phoenix Theatre

Photographers' Gallery

Plaza Cinema Piccadilly

Plaza Shopping Centre

Plum Tree Court

The Point

Poplar Baths

Poplar Town Hall (former)

Portcullis House

Portland House

10 Portman Square

Portsea Hall

Postal Museum

Potters Field Pavilions

1 Poultry

1 Prescot Street

66 Prescot Street

59 - 63 Prince Gate

Prince of Wales Theatre

Princess House

Priory Green Estate

Purcell Room

Queen Elizabeth Hall

60 Queen Victoria Street

Ralph Lauren, New Bond Street

Rambert, Upper Ground


Regency Lodge

Reuters Data Centre

Rex House


Richard Desmond's Eye Clinic

Riverlight, Nine Elms

Riverside Gardens Estate

Riverwalk House

Robin Hood Gardens, Tower Hamlets

Robert Adam Street, London/a>

Ropemaker’s Place
Royal College of Art

Royal Festival Hall

Royal Garden Hotel

Royal Institute of Chemistry

Royal Lancaster Hotel

Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Clinic

Royal Victoria Dock Bridge

Russell Court, Bloomsbury

2-4 Sabastian Street

Saddlers Wells

Sailor's Palace

Sainsbury Wing National Gallery

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre

Saint Columba’s Church

Saint Olave’s Church Hall

Salters' Hall, London

Salvation Army HQ

Sampson House

Saw Swee Hock Students Centre

The Scalpel

School of Hygene

Sea Container House

Second Church Christ Scientist


Senate House

Serpentine Pavillion 2012

Serpentine Pavillion 2013

Serpentine Pavillion 2014

Serpentine Pavillion 2015

Serpentine Pavillion 2016

Serpentine Pavillion 2017
Serpentine Pavillion 2018
Serpentine Pavillion 2019
Serpentine Sackler Extension

Seymour Leisure Centre


Shell Centre

Shell-Mex House

Sheraton Park Tower Hotel

76 Shoe Lane

Shropshire House

Sicilian Avenue

Sixty London

Slavonic Studies - UCL

60 Sloane Avenue

Sloane Avenue Mansions

Sloane Telephone Exchange

Snowden Aviary, London Zoo

Snow Hill Police Station, London

SOAS School of Oriental & African Studies

Sons of Temperance Office, London

South Bank Centre
Southbank Place

South Place Hotel

Southwark Bridge

Southwark Fire Station
67 Southwark Street

Southwood Court

Space House

Spa Green Estate

Spitfire Works

St Benet's Chapel

St George Wharf & Tower

30 St Mary Axe - The Gherkin

70 St Mary Axe - The Can of Ham

St Pancras International
St Boniface's German Church

St. Alphege's Church Clergy House

St. Alphege's Church Hall

St. Botolph Building

St. Clement Danes School

St. Columba's Church, London

St. Giles Hotel

66 St. James Street
St. John’s Court Flats

St. John’s Tube Station

St. Martins Lane Hotel

St. Martin's School of Art

St. Mary & St Joseph RC Church

St. Michael’s House

St. Olaf’s House

St. Olave’s Church Hall

Stamford Street Apartments

Stanbury Court

Strand Palace Hotel

Stock Exchange

Strata Tower

Stratford Bus Interchange

Stratford Eye

Stratford Halo

Stratford Plaza

Stepney Methodist Hall

1-10 Summer Street

Swanlea School

Swinton House

Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre

Swiss Cottage Library

Switch House, Bankside

Tachbrook Estate

Tait Benson, Southwark

Tate Modern

Tedworth Square

TFL Substation

Thames Barrier

Thames Magistrates Court

Third Church of Christ Scientist

Thistle Hotel - Marble Arch

60 Threadneedle Street

Three Quays

Tidal Basin Pumping Station

Time & Life Building

Time Square

Times Furniture Store

Tournament House - Paddington

Tower 42

Tower Bridge House

Tower Hill Memorial 1914-1918

Tower Hill Memorial 19398-1945

Tower Hotel

Tower Place

Trafalgar Studios

Trellick Tower

The Triangle Estate

Trinity Church, Poplar

Trinity Court

10 Trinity Square

2 Triton Square

10 Triton Street

20 Triton Street

The Troxy

1 Tudor Street

UCL School of Pharmacy

Ulrika Eleonora Church

Unilever House

United Grand Lodge

University College Hospital

Urbanest Westminster

US Embassy - Grosvenor Square

Usk Street Estate

Valentine Place

Vauxhall Bus Station

Victoria Coach Station

Victoria House

Vogue House

55 Victoria Street

Vue West End Cinema

W Hotel And M&M World

Waitrose Egeware Road

Walbrook Building

Walkie Talkie

Warner House

Warwickshire House

Waterhouse Building


Waterloo Bridge

Waterloo Fire Station


Waterstones Piccadilly

Webber Row Estate

Webber Row School

Wellington House

Wembley Arena

Wembley Stadium

West Central Police Station

West End Quay

West India Bridge

Westminister Cathedral
Westminister City Hall

Westminister Council House

Westminster Magistrates

Westminster Fire Station

Westminster U Cavendish Campus

Westminster U Marylebone Campus

83 - 85 Weston Street
Whitehall House

Whitelands House

White Swan Pub

Whittington House

27 - 37 Wigmore Street

Willen House

Willis Building

2 Willow Road

2 Wilson Grove

1 Wimpole Street

Winchester House

Wood Street Police Station

One Wood Street

100 Wood Street

88 Wood Street

Woolworth House

Working Men's College, Camden

World Conservation Centre

Zara Oxford Street

Zimbabwe House