House, London
Leo Sylvester
233 Shaftesbury
Avenue WC2
Hend House is a Grade II listed office
building of around 15,000 sq ft comprising a
ground and five other floors with a roof
terrace. In 2017 when these images were
taken, Hend House was home to "Industrial
Light & Magic" a visual effects company
described on creativebloq.com as, "...
the undisputed leader of the pack. Founded
in 1975 by George Lucas to work on the
first Star Wars movie, it's spent the last
four decades setting the gold standard on
movies like ET, Indiana Jones, Back to the
Future, Terminator 2, Pirates of the
Caribbean and Harry Potter."

ILM explain that, "... ILM opened its
London studio in 2014 with Creative
Director, Ben Morris, and Executive in
Charge of Production, Sue Lyster, at the
helm. With increasing numbers of
blockbuster films shooting in the U.K.,
the London studio was a natural step in
ILM’s global expansion. Opening with a
slate of films such as Avengers: Age of
Ultron, Ant-Man, Spectre, and Star Wars:
The Force Awakens, the new studio
immediately rose to the challenge and has
been turning out awe-inspiring imagery
ever since. The studio also hosts
the U.K. branch of ILM’s renowned global
Art Department with Art Director Kevin
Jenkins leading the way. As with each of
ILM’s studios, the London office is a
full-service studio contributing
everything from initial concepts through
final delivery."