Hospital - Great Maze Pond, London, UK
Gray Woodgate International
Date Built
1968 - 1973
Great Maze Pond,
As its Wikipedia page explains, "...
Guy's Hospital is a large NHS hospital in
the borough of Southwark in central London.
It is part of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS
Foundation Trust and one of the institutions
that comprise the King's Health Partners, an
academic health science centre. It is a
large teaching hospital and is, with St
Thomas' Hospital and King's College
Hospital, the location of King's College
London School of Medicine."
The hospitals numerous buildings sit in the
shadow of The Shard on either side of Great Pond
Maze and next to the railway lines going into
London Bridge Railway Station.

Until the Shard was built, the hospital's Tower
Wing was the dominant feature of the area.
At 148.65m with 34 floors it is the world's
tallest hospital building.
"The Tower Wing was completed in 1974 and
stood more than 142 metres high." In
2008 it lost the title of tallest hospital
building to the Phase 3 Building of the Hong
Kong Sanatorium and Hospital in Happy Valley,
Hong Kong. "In May 2014 it regained
its title following the completion of
extensive repair and improvement
works. ... It is an example of
modernist-Brutalist architecture, common at
the time it was built, leaning towards the
aesthetic in its slopes of its roof. A lobby
occupies much of the ground floor, while
most of the other floors are medical
departments. A dental school is on the 17th
and 18th floors and a dental department on
floors 20-28. The 29th floor has a baby
clinic and the 30th floor has a lecture
room, which also doubles as a viewpoint."
Below are some images of the
tower prior to the refurbishment.
Here is the re-cladding in progress.