Mercers Walk, London

Ian Richie
Date Built
Completed 20916
Between Langley & Mercer Streets, Covent Garden
The Mercers Company, a City iof London Livery Company, commisiioned Ian Richie to develop a space between Langley Street and Mercer Street in Covent Garden.  The site included a former Covent Garden warehouse that Richie converted into an H&M clothing store keeping outside and in elements of its industrial past.

At the heart of the new development is a piazza that features a chequer board pattern created using Blue Belgian Limestone slabs and setts and white granit setts.

In addition to creating this attractive walkway between the two streets, and converting the old warehouse, Richie added three new buildings.  He says on his website, "... The three new mixed-use buildings provide retail and restaurant space at ground and basement levels with 24 residential apartments on the upper floors. The North Building is formed around one central core. The South-East and South-West Buildings share a residential courtyard. A 4-story cast aluminium screen marks the entrance to the courtyard and creates a visual link between the central piazza and Langley Street. Behind it the buildings are linked by covered walkways at each floor.  The new buildings are faced in different colours of brick to ensure continuity with existing buildings in the area. The window reveals for each building are distinct yet subtle variations of the Georgian window style found throughout Covent Garden."