Hotel, Great Russell Street, London
Sir Edwin Lutyen
Completed 1931
16-22 Great
Russell St, London WC1B 3NN
The Bloomsbury
is a luxury hotel in the heart of London and
part of a chain of exclusive hotels, known as
the Doyle Collection, in the UK, Ireland and
the USA. When it was built in the 1930s,
to a design by Sir Edwin Lutyens, it was home
to the Young Women's Christian
Association. As Open House London
explain. "The foundation stone
was laid by Her Majesty Queen Mary on June
12th, 1929 and the Dedication Service was
broadcast throughout the British Isles.
The Trust Deed was signed and sealed on
July 1st, 1931. The
building was constructed by Messrs
Carmichael Brothers in two years and was
formally opened by the Duchess of York on
April 28th 1932. The club was created to
provide 'an elegant centre where mutual
interest between woman and woman on a
Christian basis might be worked out and
from which no concerns affecting the
welfare of women and girls should be left
out' The building was
to serve as a meeting ground for women of
different nationalities and occupations,
plus it was deliberately placed in a
central location so it was available both
to Londoners and women arriving in London
for the first time." Evidence
of the building's history can be seen above
the entrance.
"The building
consisted of a Cafeteria, organized on
the American self-help system and
seating 250, two restaurants, club
rooms, lounges, class rooms, library,
information office, hairdresser,
concert hall seating 400, 86 bedrooms,
sitting rooms, employment bureau and
administration offices. The
official YWCA History reports that the
Duchess of Kent opened the swimming
pool on May 8th 1939 whereupon the two
princesses, Elizabeth and Margaret,
came to view the pool, tour the
building and take tea in the
Cafeteria. Within the month, the
swimming pool was approved by "two
expert swimmers".
Known as the Central
Club, it continued to operate through the
war when the gymnasium was used as an
air-raid shelter and the emptied swimming
pool was used as a place for people to
sleep. The pool was boarded over and
curtains erected to protect sleepers from
draughts. The club closed in 1998
and a year later the building reopened as
the Jury Great Russell Street. Seven
years later a change in the Jury's Hotel
company resulted in the Doyle family
taking control of the hotels and in 2008
the building was once again
transformed. "Larger studio
suites were created leading to the
loss of 17 bedrooms – the hotel now
has 153 rooms and suites. The
restaurant and bar were the first part
of the project to be commenced and in
September 2008 the Landseer British
Kitchen and Bar opened with street
entrance. All existing conference
rooms were re-furbished, including the
installation of Waterford crystal
chandeliers in the main George V and
Queen Mary Hall – these had been
shipped from the closure of the
Berkeley Court hotel in Dublin. The
library was named for regular guest
Seamus Heaney in 2011. The
reception desk was moved to a position
by the windows and a small bar
installed in the lobby to service the
lounge and the Terrace, which was an
additional area utilized at the side
of the building. " (When
I took these images in February of 2017,
the terrace was unavailable because of
scaffolding for more renovations)
