The Idea
Store, Whitechapel, London

David Adjaye
Date Built
321 Whitechapel Rd |
On August 8, 2005, the
Londonist website published an article
announcing the closure of the Whitechapel
Library after 113 years of service to the
community. The article pointed out
that it was founded in 1892 by the Liberal
MP J Passmore Edwards and, "...
quickly garnered a reputation as 'the
university of the ghetto'"
having played an inspirational role in the
development of a number of famous people
including Jacob Bronowski, Isaac Rosenberg
and Arnold Wesker.
The article went on
to explain that, " ... The
library’s place in the community
is to be taken up by the planned
Whitechapel Idea Store which will
contain (among other things) 'more
books, CDs and DVDs – over 17,000
new items as well as stock from
the existing libraries, free
internet access, a range of
state-of-the-art learning spaces
and classrooms, a creche for the
children of learners, specialist
spaces for teaching dance and
complementary therapies'…”
The Whitechapel
Idea Store is one of five in Tower
Hamlets. the others being in Bow,
Crisp Street Market, Canary Wharf and
Whatney Market. This one on the
Whitechapel Road was designed by David
Adjaye who says that, "... The
Idea Stores are the product of a
concept pioneered by the London
Borough of Tower Hamlets to
improve access to a wide range of
information and educational
facilities. To this end, the
organisation of the interior is
highly permeable and the
circulation is organised as a
‘promendade architecturale’
linking the lower levels to the
cafe on the top floor."
The context of the building, beside
the bustling street market, influenced
the design. Adjaye's website
adds that the building's, "...
materiality is inspired by the
nearby market stalls whose framed
superstructures are draped in
green and blue-striped sheets."
