![]() There is a rational excuse
for the existence of the Pierrot. It is a sad old world
that we live in, and would be much more sad but for the
Pierrot and his kind. The merry jest and the lively quip
of the Pierrot have made monarchs merry when the fate of
nations rested on their moods. A Pleasure Park or
seaside resort in England without the presence of the
carefree men of the whitened faces and mottled dress
would soon lose cast, with its patrons. The WHITE CITY
is fortunate for the season of 1909 in that this
particular and favourite form of entertanment for its
patrons will be in the experienced and capable hands of
the BARRY MOON IMPERIAL PIERROTS that are known wherever
holiday crowds resort most for the highest class of
entertainment. Good actors, excellent comedians and
accomplished singers, this troupe of mirth-makers are
among the best in these fair Isles, and will give to all
patrons of their Bijou Theatre full value in a most
excellent entertainment. For this season the artistes
have been most carefully selected by Mr. Moon, because
he is catering to a Manchester public, and in order to
strengthen his already high reputation as the proprietor
of the very best company of Pierrots in all England. Mr.
Moon for this summer has especially prepared his
programme and engaged his artistes that he may give the
very highest class of music and other entertainment to
the visitors to WH ITE CITY. Selections will be made
from all the popular serious and Comic operas and the
latest of the London Gaiety successes The bills will be
frequently changed and the most up-to-date material only
will be used. (excerpt from the 1909 program) |