Among the many new things to be found in WHITE CITY for this summer season, it is confidently believed that the Brooklyn Cake Walk will prove one of the most attractive to the general visitor. This device has been tested in many places, and it has never failed to produce the very pleasant sensations that are so much sought for by people out for a day or even an hour of recreation and enjoyment With every step their is an involuntary dance movement that is as surprising as it is pleasant and fun provoking, Tbe vibration and oscillation as the "Walk" is made, cause as much laughter as any device that has recently been put before amusement seekers at pleasure resorts. When the idea of fun making for visitors to resorts was first conceived, then the " Cake Walk " should have been invented for it is about the last word in the art of causing laughter and innocent amuse-ment. Incidentally it may be said that physicians are now presclibing the "vibration" cure for many of the common ills of the summer season, and that the " Cake Walk " gives exactly the motion that is most sought after by the medicos. One trial of this latest invention is quite sufficient to make a permanent visitor.

(excerpt from the 1909 program)