"This looks like a simple diversion or game, and yet it is one of the really beneficial exercises of skill that are to be found among the many anuusements in the WHITE CITY, and as such the game is particularly popular with physicians, physical culturist, and other devotees of the cult of muscular exercise as the main aid to continued good health. Full exercise for every part of the body is assured to the person engaging in this splendid pastime, and a re-invigoration of the entire physical organism is felt by the player.

It combines the skill and the exercise of bowls with that of nine-pins, and is equally enjoyed by ladies and gentlemen, and is a game that parents could well afford to encourage their children of both sexes to cultivate. It has proven one of the most popular forms of diversion at parks, and many families have had alleys erected in their own private houses or grounds.

 Box-Ball Alleys

Hundreds of competitions have taken place on the Alleys at the WHITE C1TY, and several Clubs have been organised and have arranged for weekly meets and competitions and these Clubs are composed of ladies and gentlemen who by the very fact of the commingling of the sexes in a game or sport, refine it and acknowledge it as one of the few things that both can indulge in with benefit."

(excerpt from the 1909 program)