Barclays Bank

At the entrance to Yorkshire Street from South Parade are two banks.  On the left as you head up the street, is Barclays Bank.  When the building was completed in 1875 it was home to the Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank but the building looked rather different, as you can see in the images below.  It featured a rather grand tower rising above the corner entrance.

This building has a number of features that are similar to those of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank Headquarters at the top of King Street in Manchester - see below.  The Manchester building was erected 14 years after the Rochdale branch but the similarities in style make me wonder if the same architect was involved in both.  The Manchester Headquarters building was designed by Messrs. Heathcote & Rawle.

The published history of the Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank makes reference to the Rochdale branch.  "The figures of 1875 showed a substantial growth and the totals of the Balance Sheet just topped one million. In that year branches were placed at Bacup, Rochdale and Todmorden. It may be noted that at Rochdale the manager appointed was Mr. Andrew Whyte, who had been cashier at the District Bank Branch there. He proved a most energetic and successful manager. A great accession of business was obtained on the failure of the local banking house of J. & J. Fenton & Sons, in fact nearly all the desirable accounts on the books of the firm were transferred to the L. & Y. owing to Mr. Whyte's efforts. After some five years' service he resigned to become the general manager of the Oldham Joint Stock Bank Limited, a new bank which had been started under very happy auspices."


A close examination of the old and current images of the building reveal that the present day building is in fact the original one with the tower and other rooftop embellishments removed.  The Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank eventually gave way to Martins Bank and images on the Martins Bank historical website show the building in 1940 with the Martin's name above the entrance and the tower still in place.  An image dated 1964 shows the building as you see it in 2018.  So, at some point between 1940 and 1964 the roof was changed and windows were added on the South Parade side.

Above the door of Barclays is a set of three stone coats of arms.

This looks like the coats of arms of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank that featured the coats of arms of Lancashire and Yorkshire with that of Manchester of the middle - see below.

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