25 Church Street

I have seen references that say that 25 Church Street is a former Edwardian warehouse and others that say it is a former telephone exchange.  It may be that it is both.  There is however evidence that in the 1950s it was home to "Post Office Telephones, Manchester Area".  In February of 1957 the Post Office sent a letter to a Mr Barnard regarding an outstanding account.  At the time Mr Barnard was residinbg in Western Australia.  The letter head clearly indicates that the office was at 25 Church Street. I was rather suprised that the post office chased Mr Barnard for £7.19.4 but Nigel, Mr Barnard's son, pointed out that in today's money that would be £165

Whatever its former role, today it is a mixed use building home to a large number of apartments, a fitness centre and a restaurant.  The architectural practice of Conran & Partners were commissioned by City Lofts to do the conversion.  The £5.2 million project was completed in 2000.  The architect's website says this of the building, "The existing top floor was removed and replaced with six two-storey duplex apartments with barrel-vaulted roofs creating a striking new profile to the city roof-scape."

Below you can see the original building, indicated by a red arrow, in an aerial photograph taken in 1953.