Brownsfield Mill

This Grade II Listed building has been restored in recent years as part of the redevelopment of the Piccadilly Basin area around the Rochdale Canal.  Built as a mill, its greatest claim to fame is the fact that it was a once a workshop and storehouse for the fledgeling aircraft manufacturing company of A. V. Roe.


In a piece entitled "Unveiling Avro", published on the Urban Splash website on November 15th, 2017,  Guy Ackernley announced that, "... We’ve had a brilliant time this past couple of weeks showing people around our Avro building in Manchester for the first time.  We’re transforming the beautiful Victorian structure - one of Manchester’s last unconverted mills - into 31 lofts, some as big as 2,600 sq ft!   We’ve also had the lovely team from Warehouse Home in the building too, creating a range of pop up interior spaces to inspire customers on how to dress their future home."

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