47 - 51 Mosley Street - City Gate

The City Gate building on Mosley Street was built in the 1980s to a design by Fairhursts.  In 2015 work started on a extensive refurbishment of the building that was described by the project architect, Pozzoni, as, "... very much of its time, (adding that it) contributed little to the street scene. The upper floor glazed elevations and its detailing dated the building and therefore it was considered that any improvements externally would need to address this element. In addition, an investigation into existing glazing concluded it was at the end of its effective life."

’We reviewed the options for remodelling the building to improve the feel of the floorplates. Our proposals suggested creating two distinct elements to the elevation separated by a band of glazing. To the lower element, the existing buff York stone cladding was to be removed and replaced with a dark blue/black stone and linked over the central bay, providing a clearly defined plinth to the upper storeys. In addition, the line of glazing was brought further forward to sit flush with the face of stone .... ’The introduction of floor to ceiling glazing generally within the façade re-design has dramatically affected the feel within the internal office spaces, letting light flood into the floorplates to give a more contemporary office environment throughout."

Below is a photograph of the building prior to the refurbishment.  As you can see, Barclay's have maintained a presence in the building.

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