St. George's
Island - Castlefield The George Island
apartments sit on a promentary of land close to the
Mancunian Way in Castlefield. This is the point
where the Hulme Locks Junction Canal once formed an
important connection between the Bridgewater Canal and
the River Irwell / Manchester Ship Canal.
The canal, that was only
200 meters in length, opened in 1938 but is in a state
of decline today. A new lock built in 1995, in the
vicinity of Pamona Dock Number 3, has replaced it.
A small basin sits in the middle of the canal between the locks. The complex includes 5 apartment buildings set within almost two acres land between the Railway Viaduct and the canal. A footbridge and a road bridge provide access onto the site.
The architectural practice
of John McAslan and Partners designed the complex for
the developers Dandara. McAslan's website
describes the development as follows, "The five towers, which step down from fifteen to eight storeys, have been composed to maximise daylight for each of the residential units whilst minimising over-looking. The manner in which the buildings sit on the site – ‘anchored’ into the urban grain at the southern end of the island and fanning out northwards – also makes best use of land and creates an irregular landscape to what would otherwise have been an uncompromising grid." |