Erie Basin - Millennium Tower This residential
development is composed of a 20 storey tower and a lower
9 storey block. Together they are known as
Millennium Tower or Erie Basin, it was designed by the
architectural practice of Broadway Malyan and completed
in 2008. Broadway Malyan describe the building as
follows: "The
Erie Basin scheme provides 209 residential units,
6,000m² of retail space and a two-storey car park. The
two residential blocks, one of nine and one of 20
storeys, are positioned to maximise views across the
docks, and to enhance or frame views from
neighbouring buildings. Inspired by a ship
launching into water, one of the blocks projects and
leans forward over the edge of the dock. The selection
of materials has deliberately remained simple in order
to enhance and complement the strong forms of each of
the individual elements in the design: reflective
aluminium panels, dark grey clay tiles and fibre
cement composite panels."
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