Former Salford Central Police Headquarters -
The Crescent

This entrance to the former Salford
Central Police Headquarters looks out onto the public
square which it shares with the former Central Fire
Station. Designed by the architectural practice of
Bradshaw, Gass & Hope this brick and Portland stone
building was opened in 1957. Following
amalgamation of forces within Greater Manchester in 1974
it continued to operate as the GMP Salford Division
Headquarters until its closure. When the images on
this page were taken in May of 2013, the building was
still vacant and boarded up. Images posted on an
internet site, by people who broke into the building in
2011, showed the inside to be in a poor state but with
many of its original features still in place.

An article in the Manchester Evening
News dated November 21, 2011 and entitled "Salford
Crescent police station saved from demolition" reported
that, "A 1950s Salford landmark has been saved
from demolition at the 11th hour because of its
historic frontage. Salford council wanted to knock
down the former police headquarters as part of its
masterplan for The Crescent. It had begun
negotiations to sell the site to Salford University
for an ‘ambitious’ development as part of the
transformation of its Peel campus. Officers had been
due to apply to the government for funding last
week. But two days before the deadline, the
council’s deputy leader David Lancaster stepped in
and blocked the move. He wants the frontage of the
1950s building, which is in a conservation area, to
be preserved. The council and university have now
gone back to the drawing board. Coun Lancaster said:
“I am keen to do all I can to preserve the facade of
this building and I will be meeting with the
University of Salford to see if we could work with
them to preserve this. The building itself is not
suitable for renovation, but I would like to see a
new building make use of the frontage to preserve
the history of The Crescent."
Since then little has changed.
In 2012 the Council via Urban Vision issued a request
for proposals to develop the site. The document
began with the statement, "An Exciting
Opportunity - Former Police Station, Crescent
Salford M5 4NL - Expressions of Interest
Invited". It went on to explain,
" A high profile building on a substantial site of
6,480 sq m (1.6 acres). The imposing former Police
Station, fronts onto Crescent opposite Salford
University and overlooks historic Albion Place,
within 1 mile of Manchester City Centre. This
landmark property represents an exciting opportunity
to make a significant contribution to the continued
renaissance of Central Salford." They added
that, " When considering their proposals,
interested parties should be aware that the vendor,
Salford City Council, has a clear preference for a
high quality and imaginative scheme that, if
possible, retains the former police station, or as
much of that building as is feasible. Major elements
of the existing facades, in particular, those
fronting onto Crescent and Albion Place, are
considered to be of particular merit. The property
would suit a range of potential uses, subject to
planning consent."

The image below from the Greater
Manchester Flickr Photostream, shown with the permission
of GMP, shows Salford City Police officers proudly
displaying their Hillman Minx patrol cars in the rear
yard of their headquarters building in central Salford
around 1960.
