Boat Rides
Boat Rides

Belle Vue had two lakes. The smaller of the two was known as the Small Lake but more commonly the Firework Lake because it was on its island that the elaborate firework dramas were played out. The larger lake was created in 1858 and was known as the Great Lake. It was located in the Hyde Road, Kirkmanshulme Lane corner of the park and fed with water from the Stockport Branch Canal. The original lake was round. Then in 1876 is was made into more of a pear shape, bringing the lake closer to the Lake Hotel. In 1882 an island was created and a prominent clock tower was added.

Both lakes were used for boat rides of various kinds ranging from the large paddle steamers and the row-boats to, in more recent years, motorboats and motor launches.

The clock tower, on the island in the Great Lake, was demolished in 1949 and some years later a windmill was erected on the island.

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