Ardwick Central Staff Members

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Miss Berry Miss Greenhalgh Miss Kellet Mr. Peake
Mr. Booth  Miss Grier Mrs. Leech Miss Pearson
Mr. Chapman  Mr. Griffiths Miss Lord Mr. Slater
Mr. Collier Miss Harris Mr. Major Mrs. Swift
Mr. Derbyshire Mr. Hirst Mr. Marchington Miss Teggin
Mr. Dyson Mr. Holding Mr. Mercer Miss Turner
Mr. Gerrard Mr. Hughes Miss Morrison Miss Welborn
Mr. Gill Miss Hutchinson Mr. Noble Mr. Willat
Mr. Godbert       

The Staff
Left to Right: ? , Mr. Gerrard, Mr. Slater, Mr. Chapman, ? , Mr. Holden, Mr. Willets, Mr. Marchington, Mr. Dyson, Mr. Derbyshire
Left to Right: ?, Miss Teggin, Miss Turner, ? , Miss Macuin, ? , ? , Miss Welborn, ? , ? ,
Left to Right: Mr. Dyson, Mr. Derbyshire, Mr. Smith, Mr. Peake (Headmaster) ? , Miss Teggin, Miss Turner
These images are shown with the permission of Samuel Johnson - Class of '41