Oculus Teaching Building, University of Warwick

Date Built
Completed 2016
University of Warwick
During the construction phase of this new building, on the Warwick University campus, a sign was erected to let everyone know what was coming.  The sign is shown below but because it is hard to read I have transcribed the message below the image

Our Investment in Your Future
New Teaching and Learning Building

Imagine a place where innovation and excellence in teaching and learning is second nature.  The University of Warwick is building you a dedicated facility with local spaces where you will be able to engage in ingenious teaching and learning.

We are investing £20 million into this building bringing the strengths of our departments together to ensure that we continue to enhance that central feature of a university education.- the pursuit of intellectual curiosity.  Expect to move into your new building in Summer 2016.

The architect's website explains that, ".... The building contains a main lecture theatre, a range of seminar rooms, offices and meeting rooms along with informal ‘breakout’ spaces. Beneath the elegant laminated timber roof are two stacked tiered lecture theatres, with the activity and bustle of the University flowing around them. Set within a landscape that includes a public forecourt, amphitheatre and terraced seating spaces, the building dramatically changes how the University looks and operates."


Images from the construction phase.