Architect |
HLM Architects |
Date Built |
2010 |
Location |
Terrace |
Description |
describe this Justice Centre as a
landmark civic facility that will, "...
significantly contribute to the
urban fabric of the town, raising
expectations and aspirations for
future public buildings.
With its naturally lit internal
garden courtyards, the building
successfully manages the
transition from the public to the
private domain." The ""
website explains that the goal was to
bring together all the different
agencies in one interconnected
building, "... (it)
encompasses both new
build and refurbishment works with
a total construction spend of £32
million. The Phase 2 new build
works (involved) the construction
of a five-storey building with
police sector and district
stations, civil, magistrate and
crown courts with accompanying
custody facilities and offices for
the justice agencies. The final
Phase 3 refurbishment works
brought the existing police
custody suite up to present day
design standards and linked the
two buildings into one."