The Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
Date Built
Completed 1999
Copenhagen Inner Harbour
Copenhagen's Royal Library dates back to 1648 but 351 years later this dramatic modern extension was added to the old building.  The Danish Architecture Centre website describes it as, " ... one of the most significant architectural landmarks on the Copenhagen waterfront.  Clad in black granite, the extension to the Royal Library is known as The Black Diamond. ...

  .... the building includes scientific and literary institutions, exhibition rooms, a bookshop, a café and a restaurant, as well as a roof terrace and a hall with 600 seats for concerts, theatrical performances and conferences. The extension has doubled the library’s overall size."

Viewed from the other side of the harbour you can see that the 7-storey high black cube is in fact divided into two by an atrium.

The atrium contains the escalators which take visitors up to the bridge that crosses Christians Brygge providing access to the old library.



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