Arts Block, Trinity College, Dublin

ABK Architects
Date Built
completed 1979
Founder's Square, Trinity College
Trinity College describes the Arts Block as, " A nineteen seventies listed architectural masterpiece."  Constructed between 1968 and 1979, it was designed by ABK architects who 22 years later designed a new top floor for the building.  Archiseeks website is of the view that, "This has been less than successful on the Fellows Square elevation, where the building stepped back at each level – the new floor continues upwards from the previous top floor. On the Nassau Street elevation, the extension works better as the new floor provides a pavilion storey for the building. The horizontality of the new roof and overhang contrasts strongly with the vertical emphasis of this elevation."

Inside the building accommodates, "lecture theatres,  seminar rooms, libraries, an art gallery as well as administration and social facilities."