Arts Centre, Ottawa, Canada
Fred Lebensold of the
architectural firm of Affleck, Desbarats,
Dimakopoulos, Lebensold and Sise,
Date Built
Opened June 2,
53 Elgin Street
The website describes Canada's
National Arts Centre, in Ottawa, as, "...
a complex structure of irregular plan whose
design is based on the triangle and hexagon,
from the overall composition down to
decorative details."
Today the building is listed as a national
historic site because:
" --- it is an outstanding example of a
performing arts centre in Canada for its
overall design, its highly successful
integration into its urban setting, its
succession of interior spaces to create
dramatic effect, its unique combination of
performing spaces and the progressive
designs of each one, and its integration of
contemporary works of art as part of its
- it is an
outstanding example of a building
illustrating the positive consequences of
Canadian federal policy on the performing
arts during the second half of the 20th
century, considered, in the words of Prime
Minister Lester B. Pearson, as a "national
--- it is an
example of state-of-the-art performing
spaces and technology at the time of
construction, in particular for the
aesthetic and technical design of Southam
Hall, which is an exceptional example of a
medium-sized multi-purpose auditorium
representing an inspired collaboration
between architect and acoustician."
The building sits in an
attractive location beside the Rideau Canal in
the heart of Ottawa.
It describes itself as, "
... the only multidisciplinary, bilingual
performing arts centre in North America, and
one of the largest in the world." It
houses four performance spaces: The
Southam Hall that has four levels of seating
that can accommodate an audience of 2,323; the
Theatre Hall which has 897 seats; the NAC Studio
with a capacity of 250 to 300 seats; and the NAC
Fourth Stage with a capacity of 150.
In many ways the building is similar to the UK's
National Theatre complex in its design.
The "Canada's Historic Places" website's
description says that it was, "Designed
in the Brutalist style, the National Arts
Centre is constructed of poured reinforced
concrete and covered with precast panels of
exposed Laurentian-granite aggregate
concrete with a variety of textures. The
visually dominant components of its
irregular design are the three main
performing spaces that rise above a series
of terraces."