3 Hope Street, Edinburgh, Scotland

Sydney H Miller
Date Built
Hope Street, Edinburgh
This building on Edinburgh's Hope Street, was originally home to the Royal Bank of Scotland but today it is part of the Frasers department store.  The building has been given a Category B listed status by Historic Scotland.  They describe it as follows:  "... Symmetrical 6-storey 5-bay inter-war classical former bank. Polished cream sandstone ashlar. Channelled banded rustication at ground; architraved door at centre with consoled cornice; Greek key frieze above. Panelled 1st floor with similar window at centre. 3 centre bays above with giant free-standing 3-storey Ionic order columns in antis; glazing divided by bronze panels; outer bays with pilastered and corniced windows at 2nd floor, architraved and corniced windows at 3rd floor, recessed windows at 4th floor; plain entablature and cornice. Solid parapet broken by attic balconies. Similarly detailed 3-bay return to Hope Street Lane, with dressed rubble bay beyond.  Bronze multi-pane casement windows. Piend and platform copper roof; corniced ashlar stacks; grey slates.  INTERIOR: converted to modern retail use but remains of telling hall survive, including 4 massive columns and compartmented ceiling."

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