Station, Montreal, Canada

Bruce Price
Date Built
First trains
departed 1889 - station expanded 1900 - 1903
& 1910 - 1913
1100 Avenue des
first train pulled out of Windsor Station in
1889 which makes it a 19th century building and
as such somewhat too early for the mandate of
this website. However, the station
continued to develop into the beginning of the
20th century. There were two more building
programs in 1900 to 1903 and then in 1910 to
1913. Today the building is recognized as
being of historic importance. The register
of National Historic Sites list its
architectural assets as:
"1. its Romanesque Revival style,
expressed in the dramatic rhythm created by
wide-arched openings, steeply pitched roofs,
prominent gables, towers, turrets, prominent
string courses and arched open-loggia
openings along the top floor, the deeply-set
and vertically grouped windows, wide-arched
bays supported by colonnettes, and the high
quality, but restrained sculptural details
of floral and animal motifs, executed in a
sinuous style; ....
the solid, rustic appearance of
the building created by the use of Montréal
limestone on exterior elevations, the large
size and rock-faced finish of the limestone
units, and the overall Romanesque Revival
design and detailing;
3. the roofline of the 1909-14
addition, reflecting the way in which
Romanesque Revival and Château-style
elements were blended together over time;
surviving original volumes, materials and
detailing of the main ticket lobby;
4. the covered carriage
way along the north elevation of the 1900-06

5. remnants
of the original De La Gauchetière Street
entrance to the building, evident in the
exterior and interior fabric and

Intercity railway
services in and out of Windsor Station came
to an end in the 1980s. Local services
continued for a while longer but in the
1990s the Bell Centre, the replacement for
the Montreal Forum, was built on the land
once occupied by the tracks leading into the
station severing it from the rail
network. A new railway station was
built beside the Bell Centre to serve
suburban railway traffic. The old
station was redeveloped into offices, a
hotel complex and shops.