A planning document on
the oxford.gov.uk website describes the
William Dunn Pathology School building as, "...
a distinctively handsome but unlisted
1920s red brick building facing directly
to South Parks Road. It displays
characteristic piano noble features to
its southern and western elevations."
Pevsner describes its style as William &
It was built to house the School of
Pathology and funded by £100,000 from the
Trustees set up in the will of Sir William Dunn,
who died in 1912.
was a London banker, merchant and
philanthropist and served as the Liberal
Member of Parliament for Paisley. He
had no natural heirs and left his fortune to
charity. His will prescribed that his
inheritance, "... had to be made
available for the advancement of
Christianity and the benefit of children
and young people, for the support of
hospitals, as well as 'to alleviate
human suffering, and to encourage
education and promote emigration'".