Architect |
González |
Date Built |
1928 |
Location |
Parque de María Luisa |
Description |
The Plaza de España
is a centrepiece of the Parque de
María Luisa. It was built in 1928
for the Ibero-American Exposition of
1929. Its Wikipedia page describes
it as, ",,, a landmark example of
the Regionalism Architecture, mixing
elements of the Renaissance Revival
and Moorish Revival. ....
.....The Plaza de España complex is a huge half-circle with buildings continually running around the edge accessible over the moat by numerous bridges representing the four ancient kingdoms of Spain. .... .... In the centre is the Vicente Traver fountain. By the walls of the Plaza are many tiled alcoves, each representing a different province of Spain." Today the building is home to a number of government departments. |