St. Agnes' C. E. Primary School

Saint Agnes' Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School is situated on Clitheroe Road.  They have a new building which they moved into in 2009 but which, unfortunately, I don't have a photograph of yet.

At the time of its last inspection in June of 2008 there were 238 pupils on role.  It was described as follows, "This average sized school serves an area of significant social and economic disadvantage. The proportion of pupils eligible to receive free school meals is above average. Almost all of the pupils are from minority ethnic backgrounds with strong Islamic traditions. Most speak English as an additional language, and when they first start school their experience and understanding of English is very limited. The proportion of pupils with learning difficulties and/or disabilities is below average, although the number of pupils who have a statement of special educational need is higher than that found in most other schools. The school has achieved Manchester's Silver Inclusion Standard Award. The school is involved in a local authority reorganisation initiative and is currently in temporary accommodation, in pre-fabricated buildings on a site close to its original location. The outdoor area available for the school's use, although safe and secure, is small and it has not been possible to provide a dedicated outdoor learning area for the Foundation Stage classes. A move to a new school building on the original site is scheduled to take place early in 2009 and at that point, the school is designated to increase in size from one to one and a half forms in each year group."

The photographs below were generously contributed by David North.

May Day celebration circa: 1959. Susan North and her partner Paul are the third couple from the left.

May Day celebration circa: 1959. David North is the the boy in short trousers and sandals nearest the camera.


Circa 1959 - 1960 - Susan North and her friend Linda. David North believes that the photographs were taken prior to a Whit Week walk. The location is the St. Agnes' School playground with Hamilton Road in the background leading down to Dickenson Road.

Circa 1956 - A 5 year-old David North in his first suit and wearing his St. Agnes' School cap. He is standing on Hamilton Road near the junction with Slade Grove.

Susan North is 4th from the left in the middle row, her friend Linda is standing next to her.