St. Agnes' C of E Primary School

St. Agnes' School occupies the corner of Hamilton Road and Slade Grove in a building that has been its home since 2009.  It is a two form entry school with an enrollment in 2014 of 408 pupils.  The school's website says that, "... Our high teacher and staff to pupil ratio means that there is lots of individual attention and care for every child. We know our pupils well and we are very proud of the community we serve. We work in full partnership with parents to ensure that every child reaches their full potential and we strive to promote the supportive culture in which our pupils thrive."  The OFSTED report on the school in October of 2012 rated it as Outstanding.

The "" website provides information on the construction of St Agnes' school.  It says that, "... The recently completed CLT extension to St Agnes CE Primary School at Longsight in Manchester, provided four additional classrooms or ‘teaching places’ on the first and second floors, which are set above a multi purpose space on the ground floor. The extension, which is the second phase of works at the school, was designed by JM Architects of Manchester. It follows the replacement in 2008 of the original Victorian school with a three-storey CLT main school building that provided 2,300 m2 of teaching space along with a rooftop ‘playdeck’ that helped to maximise space on the tight site. Both phases of construction at St Agnes have been delivered by main contractor, Willmott Dixon and installed by specialist timber engineers, Eurban. The pre-fabricated CLT boards used in the extension were produced at Stora Enso Building & Living’s Bad St Leonards mill in Austria."


The original St. Agnes' school occupied this same site.  You can see it indicated by the red arrow on the aerial photograph below, taken in the 1940s.

The Pevsner Guide for Manchester says that the original St Agnes' School was designed by Henry & Medland Taylor and opened in 1885.  The guide describes it as, "A charming building, with typical Taylor details.  Gothic, low and gabled, of polychrome brick with an octagonal bay with lancets to the street."

The images below were taken at the original St. Agnes' School and are shown here with the permission of David North.

May Day celebrations circa 1959. 

Susan North and her partner Paul are the third couple from the left.

David North is the boy in short trousers and sandals nearest to the camera

Circa 1959 - 1960 - Susan North and her friend Linda. David North believes that the photographs were taken prior to a Whit Week walk. The location is the St. Agnes' School playground with Hamilton Road in the background leading down to Dickenson Road.


Circa 1956 - A 5 year-old David North in his first suit and wearing his St. Agnes' School cap. He is standing on Hamilton Road near the junction with Slade Grove.

Class Photograph:  Susan North is 4th from the left in the middle row, her friend Linda is standing next to her.