Daisy Mill

NOTE: Thursday,
October 22, 2015
At this time, a process is
underway that will lead to the demolition of the
Daisy Mill. The plan is to use the site
for a new secondary school, part of the Dean
Trust. A document published by Manchester
City Council Planning and Highways Committee on
July 30, 2015 outlined the proposal for the, "Erection
of a part three, part two storey building to
form a 1,200 place High School, including a
sports hall, sports pitches, landscaping,
car parking, associated floodlighting and
boundary treatments and associated works
together with the creation of a through road
between Stockport Road and Langport Avenue,
following demolition of all existing
buildings on site."
While recognizing that, "Daisy Works is a
building of local historic and architectural
interest; the large brick built structure is
a local landmark. The applicant has
submitted a Heritage assessment which
assesses the impacts that the proposed
development may have on heritage assets. The
application proposals involve the demolition
of the mill building in order that the
proposals can provide sufficient outdoor
sports pitches for the school and the wider
community. The assessment confirms
that the primary significance of the
building lies in the principal elevation to
Stockport Road. The evidence available
indicates that although the building is of
local interest it is not of sufficiently
high archaeological, architectural, artistic
or historic significance to merit formal
designation and that it fails to meet the
criteria for listing as set out in English
Heritage’s ‘Designation Listing Selection
Guide - Industrial Structures’. In addition
to this the mill does not lie within or
adjacent to a conservation area.
It is therefore considered that Daisy Works
is a ‘non-designated heritage asset’ as
defined by the National Planning Policy
Framework (NPPF)."
July 2016
Originally a
cotton mill, the Daisy Mill on Stockport road and its
tall chimney with the name Pownall's painted on it,
dominated my part of Longsight. Its hooter marked the
"lunch 'owr" for local residents. The mill
suffered a fire in 1928 but the damage was repaired
and it continued to operate until 1939. During WWII
the mill was used by the War Office as an Army Pay
Corps Depot. After the war the building once again
returned to commerce in the garment industry. Many
local women were employed as machinists. Parts of the
building are still used by small businesses and some
council services. Below you can see the mill,
indicated by a red arrow, in an aerial image dated
