- Street Parties-

There was a long tradition of street parties on important occasions such as Coronations or VE Day.  I remember the one held on Holt Street for the Coronation on Queen Elizabeth II but rain caused the party to move indoors.  Fortunately there was a room, above a garage on the street, that became our port in a storm.

The photograph above shows the street party held in Harper Street on the occasion of the Coronation of King George VI in 1937. It was donated by Alma Morton (Turner). Alma's mother, can be seen standing on the left. Hilda, Alma's sister, is sitting on the left side of the table, hand-on-brow.


Below is the scene on Chell Street in 1953 for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

The image above is shown with the permission of Brian Croft.


The image below, shown with the permission of Bill Bullock, shows familes from Bertha Street on the occasion of the Coronation.