Ardwick Grove

Behind Ardwick Green Park you will find a little enclave of 19th Century houses grouped around the corner of Manor Street and Ardwick Green North.  A stone plaque sits beside a first floor window of the corner house that says "Ardwick Grove" and below it is the street name "Manor Street". 

The name Manor Street almost certainly comes from the fact that in the 1800s a group of building called "Manor House" occupied a triangular plot of land beside the street.  Ardwick Grove appears to be the name of this collection of town houses.

All of the houses are Grade II Listed and they share in common the fact that they are of, "Red brick in Flemish bond, with some sandstone dressings and slate roof."  Numbers 21 to 25 are two-storeys high ....

....  and the larger 27 Manor Street and 29 Ardwick Green North have three storeys as well as basements.

The houses are thought to have been built between 1805 and 1810 when clearly the community was much different from today.  Their neighbours were substancial homes with large formal gardens.  At that time Ardwick Green Park was still private property and owned by the residents of adjacent houses..

This aerial photograph taken in 1953 shows how the neighbourhood had changed over the intervening 100 years.  It was far less residential and far more commercial/industrial.

The houses were listed in 1974 and at that time it was noted that Number 25 was, "Rare example of small house of this date close to city centre and still in domestic use."  Today they are a link to the Ardwick of the 1800s.