Salford Arms Hotel

The Salford Arms Hotel has occupied the corner of Chapel Street and Bloom Street in Salford for at least 172 years.  As you can see, it has changed its colour from time to time.

It is listed in Slater's Directory of Manchester & Salford for 1841, when the landlord was William Smelt.  It also appears on the 1844 - 48 OS map of the area (see below).

By 1895 Arthur Miller was in charge and 14 years after that, Mrs Zillah Thurstan.  In 2013, when I took the image above, The Salford Arms Hotel offers beer that is, "sourced from only the finest micro-breweries in England", a restaurant that offers, " Fresh, simple and gratifying food ... (in) a relaxed dining atmosphere, with helpful and friendly staff", and a hotel offering, " clean, stylish and affordable rooms.".

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