Faraday House - The University of Salford

According to the University of Salford's campus guide, Faraday House is home to the university's finance department.  The image below, shown with the permission of Salford University Library, shows the building in  the 1970s with the letters AUEW emblazoned on the tower where the University's emblem sits today. 

The acronym stood for the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers so it is reasonable to assume that the union occupied the building before the university and prior to it being called the Faraday Building.  The university has a long term plan to consolidate its estate of buildings on two sites and Faraday House along with others located on the Crescent are regarded as liabilities rather than assets because they are old, energy inefficient and increasingly unfit for purpose in a modern university setting.  The Salford Council said in their development plan, published in 2011, that they expect Faraday House to stay in the ownership of the university in the short term but, "Once the university vacates the premises, it will be redeveloped for residential use with an active ground floor use e.g. retail, food and drink"