The Old Rover's Return
Despite its reputed
status as Manchester's oldest licensed house, I
have been unable to find it marked on any old
maps. It is said that the Rover's Return
dated from 1306. It is known that it sat
close to the point where Withy Grove becomes Shude
Hill. It was at this point that the Shude
Hill Market used be located.
Photographs in the collection at Manchester Central Library show it in 1873 looking much as it does in the image above. Another photograph dated 1958 shows it is still there thirteen years after the end of WWII and eighteen years after the devastating bombing that destroyed many buildings in the city centre. At least one of the images in the library collection shows the Rover's Return next door but one to the Mosley Arms Public House. If you click on the
link below you can see the building in 1949.
The Mosley Arms Hotel
can be seen on the 1845 map of Manchester (see
below) on the corner of Watling Street near the
Shude Hill Market.
That means that the Old Rover's Return
must have been the building I have indicated
with an arrow.
Once again in 1888 the
map of the time did not have the Rover's Return
named on it. My version of that map is shown
below and I have used a red arrow to indicate its
likely position.
The image below was
taken in 1953. The Old Rover's Return was
still there at that time. The red arrow points
to its location.
The site has changed out of all recognition, as you can see in the image below. |