Stratford Halo, London

Allies & Morrison - Stock Woolstencroft Architects -
KDS Associates
Date Built
150 High Street, Stratford
From what I can gather, this residential tower was originally designed by Allies & Morrison.  The KDS website says that, "... The concept and planning permission was by Stock Woolstencroft Architects. KDS were appointed by Ardmore Construction Ltd as completion Architects to develop the design and see the project through to completion on site."

They add that, "... The site comprises of seven blocks of mixed-use tenure, including a forty-three storey residential tower, five 8-10 storey residential blocks and the refurbishment of a 4-storey locally listed building. Overall the development accommodates 639 apartments, both Shared Ownership and Rented, 35 Extra Care Home apartments, as well as artist studios and commercial/retail space totalling nearly 1,000sqm."