National Police Memorial, London

Foster & Partners
Date Built
Cambridge Green at the junction of the Mall and Horse Guards Road
Foster + Partners explain that, "the National Police Memorial takes the form of a black granite clad tablet with a glass chamber set into its face containing a book listing the names of every British policeman and policewoman killed in the course of duty. ...

.... Alongside, a tall slender pillar of glass emerges from a reflecting pool, glowing to echo the blue lamp that once burned outside every police station. ....

..... The two objects stand on a floor of Portland stone, forming an austere and contemplative composition."  The pages of the book are turned every two weeks and the glass wall is lit at night by blue fibre-optic cables.

The monument was paid for by the Police Memorial Fund founded by the late film director Michael Winner following the shooting of PC Yvonne Fletcher outside the Libyan People's Bureau in Central London.