Richard Desmond's Eye Centre, London

Penoyre & Pascad
Date Built
3 Peerless Street, EC1V 9EZ
Open House London describe the Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre as combining, "...  the outstanding clinical expertise of Moorfields Eye Hospital with the research prowess of the adjacent Institute of Ophthalmology to provide a world class centre for treating children's eye conditions. The centre includes outpatient clinics, a day surgery unit, research facilities and a short stay patient/parent hostel."

Penoyre and Pascad say that their design was intended to dispel, "... preconceptions of hospitals to create an holistic, child-focused and welcoming environment. A potentially traumatic experience becomes a positive one, supported by a clear layout which gives a sense of security, engaging colour schemes and large relaxation and play areas. Overall, the design offers a textured and engaging experience, and a sense of discovery for patients whose ages range from 0 to 16 and who may find their treatment lasting for months or even years."

Open House London add that, "The south façade, facing onto the garden square across Peerless Street, is protected from solar gain by an arrangement of freely placed folded aluminium louvres, held within a large frame enfolding the façade, on a tensioned cable net suspended in front of glass curtain walling. A projecting bay breaks through the net signalling the most populated part of the building - the main outpatient waiting area on the third floor. ....

.... The east elevation has a ceramic granite finish with circular glazed openings set within it. These 'lenses' give views at various levels internally for both children and adults as they move through the building. ....

.... The remaining elevations have a calm and restrained appearance, with a palette of brick, render and aluminium-framed windows."