Square Estate, Hammersmith London
Date Built
King Street
Ashcroft Squae is a large housing estate
comprising seven blocks arranged around a
central garden/courtyard on top of a shopping
centre designed by Richard Seifert. The
estate is bound on one side by King Street (a
main Hammersmith shopping streeet), and on the
other by an above-ground section of the
Hammersmith and City underground railway.
The rectangular shaped residential blocks are
built of brick and concrete. The estate
and the shopping centre it sits above used to be
connected by bridges over the railway to a
multi-storey car park. The car park is no
more. It has been demolished to make way
for a new residential development. There
are plans to refurbish the shopping mall and
suggestions that the estate should also be
replaced, an idea that apparently hasn't been
met with approval by the residents.
