7, rue Vallière, Quebec City, Canada

Pierre-Charles Amos
Date Built
7, rue Vallière
The Quebec Cultural Heritage website says that this Art Deco building on rue Valliere, in Quebec City, was originally owned by the Boswell Brewery, that had its brewery in nearby Saint-Paul Street.  Boswells began operating in Quebec in 1843 and continued for more than a hundred years before ceasing to trade in 1952 when Dow took over the Saint-Paul brewery.  The clue to the building's origin lies in the bas-relief sculptures on the exterior, including this one of the squirrel and a beer barrel with the letter B on it, both symbols that appeared on Boswell bottle labels.

Other sculptures appear to show the way transportation changed over the years that the brewery operated.


In 1993 the building was sold to the Syndicat de professionnelles et professionnels du government du Québec (SPGQ) that represents more than 22 300 people from the public service, Crown corporations, networks of education and health of Quebec with more than 35 bargaining units.