Stockport Road

- Kirkmanshulme Lane to Stanley Grove -

The Slaters Manchester & Salford Directory for 1895 shows 112 entries between Kirkmanshulme Lane and Stanley Grove.  Once we cross Kirkmanshulme Lane heading south the character of the street becomes predominently commercial.  58 different occupations are represented here.  There are 7 butchers, 7 confectioners, 7 boot and shoes dealers, 4 tobacconists, 4 grocers, 5 beer retailers, 3 drapers, 2 watch makers,  2 fruiterers, and 2 flour dealers.  There is also a saddler, a coffee tavern, a wire weaver, a whitesmith, and a brass moulder.  The full directory entry is shown below the map.

Below is a list of the occupants in the buildings along this section of Stockport Road in 1895.
The information is shown here with the consent of the Historical Directories website

- West Side -

- East Side -

The view along Kirkmanshulme Lane

Birch Lane with the Waggon and Horses on the left and the Free Christian Church on the right.

The Belle Vue Gardens pub on the Kirkmanshulme Lane corner.

The Belle Vue Gardens pub ahead of the tram on the left.