Pakistani Community Centre
Pakistani Community Centre

The Pakistani Community Centre sits on Stockport Road close to the corner with Kirkmanshulme Lane.  The centre is the venue for a variety of local community events.  In 2004 a Playscheme was established in the building.  In 2006 the playscheme was inspected by OFSTED who said this about the program, "(it is) .. situated in a large hall in premises of the Pakistani Community Centre. There is a large outdoor play area.  The playscheme serves the local community and offers 50 places to children on a first come basis."

This corner of Kirkmanshulme Lane and Stockport Road has changed out of all recognition from the 1950s and 60s when I walked by on my way to and from the picture houses further down Stockport Road.  In those days a large building occupied the corner and ran along Stockport Road.  It was home to a variety of shops including a fishmonger.  I remember that well because one year we went in there asking for "bonfire wood" and we were delighted when they gave us several wooden crates.  Our parents were a lot less excited when we went door to door trying to find someone willing to store them until November.  The red arrow on the aerial photograph below, dated 1953, points to the shops.

If you click on the link below you can see the shops in question.

Stockport Road - Kirkmanshulme Lane - 1958

Before the shops though, a public house sat on the corner.  Reflecting the nearby zoo and amusement park, it was called the Belle Vue Gardens pub.